A classic ode to worry, Jeremy & the Harlequins’ new single, “Nervous Wreck,” encapsulates modern, American anxiety in all its forms in rapid fire succession.
One listen and you’re shaking from the tips of your toes through the back of your neck while trying to keep things in check. A crisp three-minute release for those who are convinced the world is out to get them.

“This song was written in the pre-Pandemic era, but it seems a lot more vital right now,” says Jeremy Lublin. “Around Brooklyn, and most of America, everyone is wearing medical masks, worried about catching a virus. I wrote the lyrics when I was wondering how I’d pay rent for the month. Now we all have a hell of a lot more to worry about. Everyone’s a nervous wreck.”

Check out Jeremy & The Harlequins: Live from a New York Apartment! Featuring an hour of music, interviews, storytelling, and other antics.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday @ 7pm ET via IGTV/Facebook Live
Tune in at: @jeremyandtheharlequins
Tags: Jeremy & The Harlequins, new music